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Irene Salter
Aug 18, 20236 min read
How to Write a Book One Tiny Habit at a Time
I wanted to write a chapter of my book in May, but got super busy with the end of school. I intended to do it in June while on a cruise...
Irene Salter, PhD
Jun 16, 20237 min read
Inside Public Service: Managing competing interests
Between now and August 1st, I’m practicing what I preach by making space to be with the people I love most in the world. I have a...
Irene Salter, PhD
May 16, 20238 min read
How to get good at impostor syndrome
Impostor syndrome. It sucks. In case you haven’t heard the term before, impostor syndrome is a fear of failure that manifests as extreme...
Irene Salter, PhD
Jan 11, 20236 min read
The Hardest Part of a Hard Conversation
I was working with James (not his real name) last week who is the executive director and founder of a thriving nonprofit. The good news...
Irene Salter, PhD
Nov 19, 20227 min read
Feedback zingers and what to do about them
Feedback zingers. You know the ones. Those sarcastic one liners that feel like a hunting knife straight to the heart. Or sometimes it...
Irene Salter, PhD
Sep 20, 20227 min read
Vulnerability in the Workplace
Let’s begin this blog post on vulnerability with the three most embarrassing moments of my life: When I was twelve, I had a massive crush...
Irene Salter, PhD
Sep 9, 20226 min read
Unleash The Power of Collective Wisdom with a Team Resume
We just had the inaugural meeting of the Collective Wisdom Mastermind group. OMG. I am just blown away by this incredible group of...
Irene Salter, PhD
Jun 8, 20227 min read
How can we change the feedback experience? Shift Positive
My purpose is to encourage the light within leaders to shine brighter. Yet, for so many of us, the feedback and evaluation process does...
Irene Salter, PhD
Apr 9, 20225 min read
To be a leader, you don't have to be a superhero
As much as I love stories, the hero’s journey narrative arc never really felt like it was quite the right fit for me. Too...
Irene Salter, PhD
Apr 4, 20226 min read
On becoming an integrated leader
“What might integrated leadership look like for me?” That’s what one of the people who joined our women’s leadership retreat recently...
Irene Salter, PhD
Mar 29, 20225 min read
That "look"
You know the one. There’s a “look” I got as an Asian female each time I walked into a board room full of superintendents in collared...
Irene Salter, PhD
Jun 26, 20219 min read
Two Ways to Forge Your Leadership Compass
Captain Jack Sparrow: "True enough, this compass does not point north." Elizabeth Swann: "...Where does it point?" Captain Jack Sparrow:...
Irene Salter, PhD
Jun 2, 20219 min read
Change is scary. Try a transition journey instead.
Today the last day of school where I can still call myself a staff member at Chrysalis Charter School. This school has meant so much to...
Irene Salter, PhD
Feb 23, 20217 min read
Being the Lifeguard Versus Empowering Groups
Imagine a public swimming pool with dozens of kids and adults splashing on a warm summer evening. (I know that may be hard to imagine...